- neural net en Where's my smart MCU? Maybe it's here... <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_image" width="384" height="408" title="µCAI - The Micro-controller Artificial Intelligence project" alt="" src="" /><p>Ok, so.. maybe I'm crazy but... ever since my initial foray into Micro-controllers, so little emphasis is kept on the actual building when it comes to "moving" bots. On the beloved <a href="">arduino</a>, all it takes is a single <a href="">open source shield</a> (or less) to start making a chassis move, and right out of the box you can receive and measure various sensors and inputs.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> artificial intelligence hobby neural net robot µCAI neat Tue, 27 Oct 2009 06:15:02 +0000 TechNinja 41 at