- gps en Motorcycle + PDA + GPS = Fun? <img class="imagefield imagefield-field_image" width="300" height="362" title="GPS on a Casio E-115?? Impossible!" alt="" src="" /><p>About 2 years back I happened upon an older pocket PC. Left for dead, unable to boot, collecting dust, it was going to be chopped to bits as IT fodder. i said "No! Be not crule to old tech! It knows not of it's own obsolescence!!!".. or something to that effect. Long story short, I became the proud owner of a 2001 model Cassiopeia E-115! Having one wasn't enough, and before long for less than $50, I owned three outmoded winCE PDAs...</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> altitude gps motorcycle Sat, 06 Jun 2009 06:28:34 +0000 TechNinja 10 at